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In the model, the explanation slide is the second one you show—right after the cover slide. What is an explanation slide?An explanation slide explains anything unfamiliar on the cover slide. Consider this cover slide: There's a good chance that some people in your audience don't understand the term "concurrent engineering." They'll be relieved if your next slide explains it! Tips for an explanation slideA explanation slide:
Other examplesLet's look at the cover and explanation slides for two other sample presentations. In this example, your audience may need to know more about "Yellowstone National Park" on the cover slide. So your next slide—your "explanation slide"—gives you a chance to tell them where the park is: Notice that both slides have the same color scheme. The similar color scheme helps make the two slides part of the same family of design. In the next example, the presenter may decide that, since he's talking to novices, his second slide should define golf: Notice that the explanation slide can't stand alone—it needs Sandy there to explain it. That's fine. Otherwise, why is Sandy there? And notice that the designs share the same color scheme—that's what makes them part of the same family of design. A quizWhat's wrong with this explanation slide? See if you can find something wrong. Ready to see the answer? Through with the quiz? You're ready to move on to . . . Your next stepThe next slide in the model is the purpose slide. Copyright
2007 by Edward P. Bailey |